Tinnitus 5.5kHz Soother 1 and 10 Hour Audio Mp3 Downloads


The Tinnitus Soother for ten hours is noise focused in a frequency range of 5500Hz. The creation concept is based on disrupting ringing in one’s head by introducing a new sound, noise in this case, at low volume, to distract the mind away from the ringing. It may offer relief for some people that have tinnitus ringing in this range.


The Tinnitus Soother is noise focused in a frequency range of 5500Hz. The creation concept is based on disrupting ringing in one’s head by introducing a new sound, at low volume, noise in this case, to distract the mind away from the ringing. Some contemporary research on “T” suggests the mind is auto completing the ringing well after the damage has occurred. It may offer relief for some people that have tinnitus ringing in this range.

Based on this video release on YouTube: https://youtu.be/yS03yADiZlg

1 & 10 Hour Mp3 Audio Downloads


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