Tinnitus Chopper V2: A Rhythmic Approach to Noise Masking
Tinnitus Chopper V2 offers a unique approach to tinnitus masking, utilizing two high-frequency noises filtered with a fluctuating, variable effect—the “chopper.” This creates a rhythmic, dynamic sound within the 500 Hz to 5000 Hz range, with frequencies tapering off up to 15000 Hz.
This version, created by request, features a slower pace and fewer elements than the original Tinnitus Chopper. It builds upon the concepts explored in the Tinnitus Scrubber, which uses a rhythmic pulsing effect. While much of our tinnitus series focuses on specific or sweeping frequencies, the Scrubber and Chopper variations explore broader, dynamic soundscapes.
The Chopper Concept:
The goal is to potentially disrupt the tinnitus ringing cycle by introducing a new, engaging sound within a similar frequency range. Because tinnitus manifests differently for each individual, this track may offer relief for some but not all listeners. 1 We encourage you to share your experiences and feedback, as it helps us refine future content and support our growing community.
Tinnitus Chopper One Hour and Ten Hour Downloads
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