Tinnitus Drifter 12.5 to 13.5 kHz Noise Masking


Introducing the Tinnitus Drifter: part of our noise masking series. It alternates between 12.5 kHz and 13.5 kHz every minute. Many users have found the 13 kHz range effective, such as the Tinnitus Zapper at 13 kHz.


Introducing the Tinnitus Drifter: part of our noise masking series. It alternates between 12.5 kHz and 13.5 kHz every minute. Many users have found the 13 kHz range effective, such as the Tinnitus Zapper at 13 kHz.

The idea is simple: a noise close to your tinnitus frequency distracts your mind, diverting attention from the internal tinnitus sound. While it’s effective for some, it won’t work for all types of tinnitus. To maximize results, aim for a frequency within 5% to 10% of your tinnitus frequency. The Tinnitus Drifter, with its frequency range of 12.5 kHz to 13.5 kHz, offers broader coverage for more users.

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