Sweeping White Noise 1 and 10 Hour Downloads


Sweeping White Noise for 1 and 10 Hours to Mask and Relax. A filtered boost was added to White Noise shifting between 160 Hz and 16000 Hz at an interval of 1 minute. This adds a placid quality to the noise as the frequency boost moves up and down. It may also be beneficial as a noise masker for tinnitus and other hearing disorders.


Sweeping White Noise 1 and 10 Hour Downloads

Sweeping White Noise for 1 and 10 Hours to Mask and Relax. A filtered boost was added to White Noise shifting between 160 Hz and 16000 Hz at an interval of 1 minute. This adds a placid quality to the noise as the frequency boost moves up and down. It may also be beneficial as a noise masker for tinnitus and other hearing disorders. Constant Noise played at low volume can help people focus, concentrate and many find it relaxing.

White Noise as full frequency sound with even energy across the listening spectrum. Listeners comment it sounds like natural rain, or a creek which may be why it is popular for masking other sounds in our listening environment.



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