Tuning Forks Meditation 1 & 3 Hour Downloads


Tuning Forks Meditation 1 & 3 Hour downloads. Three tuning forks were recorded slowly flowing back and forth to create a smooth, calm and pleasing blend.


Tuning Forks Meditation 1 & 3 Hour Downloads
Three tuning forks were recorded slowly flowing back and forth.
Earth Star 68.05Hz Ninth Chakra – Grounding energy Throat 141.27Hz Second Chakra – relationship, creativity Sacral 210.42Hz Fifth Chakra – expression, choice willpower
The frequencies are associated with other values and there is more than one system: 5 chakras, 7 chakras, 9 chakras and others. The sonic blend is where I focused my energy as a sound creator to create a pleasing sound.

The video on YouTube:


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